New Databases
GIDEON (Global Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Online Network) This link opens in a new windowA rich resource, updated daily, for infectious disease, epidemiology, and microbiology information. The platform features tools for finding disease, drug, vaccine, microbe, and country-specific information; identifying pathogens; performing diagnoses; and visualizing epidemiological data, including disease outbreaks and vaccine coverage. GIDEON also contains books on infectious diseases in specific countries, specific diseases globally, and major topics in the study of infectious diseases and epidemiology.
Social Explorer This link opens in a new windowVisualize and interact with data, create maps, charts, reports and downloads. Explore hundreds of thousands of built-in data indicators related to demography, economy, health, politics, environment, crime and more. Easily add your own data for further impact.
The full 22nd edition of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine is forthcoming. The first 48 chapters are now available exclusively on Access.
Lange's Practical Guide to History Taking, Physical Exam, and Functioning in the Hospital and Clinic by Charles Goldberg
By approaching clinical medicine in a practical and demystified fashion, this engaging, focused guide helps you master your most important everyday tasks The clinical exam is a tangible way of truly being with another person while collecting key information. Humans are delightfully quirky, such that the way in which they describe symptoms often requires an open and tuned-in human ear to truly understand and contextualize their stories. Physical connection, providing comfort and healing through touch, can only be delivered when you are next to another living soul. Helping others through medicine is an immensely rewarding activity and being connected to someone, hearing their stories, and guiding their care in a hands-on manner, is a unique privilege that we should all hold onto tightly. With its pragmatic approach, Lange's History Taking Handbook, Physical Exam, and Functioning in the Hospital and Clinic helps make the learning process both fun and rewarding. Core behaviors are described which have diagnostic utility and prolonged applicability, even in a technology driven world. There are always new techniques to learn and unusual findings to incorporate into your personal libraries of medical experience. However, unless you take the time to build a solid foundation, you will never have confidence in the accuracy and value of what you can uncover with a sharp mind, attentive ear, agile fingers, and a few simple tools! Every section is constructed to answer the question: "What do I really need to know about this area?" The material is presented in a concise, bulleted fashion that is easy to read and follow. The focus is on skills and approaches, which should be readily applicable during clinical encounters. Exam techniques are described in step-by-step detail. Special maneuvers that are occasionally utilized are also described, as well as when they should be implemented. Photos and illustrations are incorporated to make the descriptions and techniques easier to understand and apply. There are chapters dedicated to every major organ system. In addition, care of specific patient groups are covered, including three chapters dedicated to pediatrics (Newborn, Toddler/Child and Adolescence), LGBTQ+ Health, and Geriatrics. Every chapter contains Pearls to draw attention to particularly noteworthy elements. Findings and their Meanings are provided, which highlight common abnormalities that might be identified as well as their clinical significance. Tables and charts are used throughout, to allow the reader to more easily identify key points and make connections and comparisons. Clinical Connection illustrations further highlight the link between historical information, exam findings, and common disorders. Diagnoses at a Glance are provided in tables that emphasize the symptoms, findings and pathology associated with common disorders within an organ system. Each section has Telehealth Tips highlighting the ways in which this growing modality might be utilized to evaluate specific organ systems and symptoms. There is also a chapter dedicated to Telehealth which provides core information that is broadly applicable to typical telehealth visits. Checklists at the end of each chapter highlight the core aspects of each organ system exam. Detailed descriptions of how to function in clinical settings are provided, including Oral Presentations and Documentation (e.g., note writing) in the Hospital.
ISBN: 9781264278039
Publication Date: 2024-11-13
Essentials of Clinical Nutrition in Healthcare by Ellizabeth Frates; Marie-France Hivert; Christopher Duggan
Proven methods for diagnosing and managing nutritional changes in patients with chronic diseases and conditions Essentials of Clinical Nutrition in Healthcare fills the well-recognized evidence-practice gap between the nutrition knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed for nutrition care and the nutrition education provided by medical schools. Focusing on nutrition and dietetics, it walks you through the process of maintaining patients' energy balance while also providing sufficient nutrients, such as protein, vitamins, and minerals. Evidence-based chapters address the effects of diet on health and a comprehensive array of illnesses. Essentials of Clinical Nutrition for Healthcare is organized into three major sections: The fundamentals of nutrition and how it applies to clinical practice, including nutrition through the lifespan and personalized nutrition Diverse scenarios on how nutritional state and metabolism behave in a morbid condition Expert advice for counseling and coaching for behavior change to impact patients' lifestyles Covering specific topics ranging from cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and hypertension to depression, anxiety, and dementia, Essentials of Clinical Nutrition for Healthcare provides everything you need to know to stay ahead of the curve on this important topic.
ISBN: 9781264581887
Publication Date: 2024-06-19
THIEME Atlas of Anatomy, Volume 1: General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System by Michael Schuenke; Erik Schulte; Udo Schumacher; Nathan Johnson
An exceptional, beautifully illustrated resource on general anatomy and the musculoskeletal system
Thieme Atlas of Anatomy: General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System, Fourth Edition, by renowned educators Michael Schuenke, Erik Schulte, and Udo Schumacher, along with consulting editors Wayne Cass and Nathan Johnson, expands on the award-winning prior editions. Detailed musculoskeletal illustrations elucidate understanding of bone, joint, ligament, and muscle structure; innervation of muscles; action of joints and muscles; and diseases or trauma of the bones, joints, and muscles.
The unique atlas is divided into four major sections, starting with General Anatomy, which lays a fundamental groundwork of knowledge—from human phylogeny and ontogeny to general neuroanatomy. The three subsequent sections, the Trunk Wall, Upper Limb, and Lower Limb, are systemically organized, presenting bones, ligaments, and joints; musculature; and neurovascular, followed by topographical overviews in each group. Anatomic concepts and clinical applications are introduced in a step-by-step sequence through illustrations, succinct explanatory text, and summary tables, thereby supporting classroom learning and active dissection in the laboratory.
Key Features:
Female skeletal muscles, genital structures, and surgical interventions, with a new section on muscle fasciae
More than 2,100 extraordinarily accurate and beautiful illustrations by Markus Voll and Karl Wesker, including a significant number revised to reflect gender and ethnic diversity
Clinically important musculoskeletal anatomy and pathology imaging for plain film, CT, and MRI scans
A new chapter on muscle fasciae structure and function covers innervation, compartment syndrome in the lower leg, and classification of the fasciae of the trunk and body cavities
Variants in human anatomy, such as blood vessels whose courses deviate from the "norm," or anomalous positions of organs
The updated edition of this best-selling atlas is an essential tool for physical therapy and osteopathic medical students and instructors. It is also an outstanding reference for chiropractors, practicing physical and massage therapists, yoga instructors, and professional artists and illustrators.
Publication Date: 2024
THIEME Atlas of Anatomy, Volume 2: Internal Organs by Michael Schuenke; Erik Schulte; Udo Schumacher; Wayne Cass
Extraordinarily detailed, step-by-step anatomic atlas informs learning and medical practice
Thieme Atlas of Anatomy: Internal Organs, Fourth Edition, by renowned educators Michael Schuenke, Erik Schulte, and Udo Schumacher, along with consulting editor Wayne Cass, expands on prior editions. This volume features reorganized and updated sections, including additional coverage of clinical applications, radiologic procedures, and illustrations covering organs of the thorax, abdomen and pelvis, and perineum. As with the widely acclaimed prior editions, anatomic concepts are presented in a step-by-step sequence with system-by-system and topographical views.
The book lays a solid foundation of anatomic knowledge, with an introductory overview of each of the organs, including discussion of embryologic development. Each of the two regional units starts with a short overview chapter, followed by the structure and neurovasculature of the region and its organs. Subsequent chapters covering topographic regional anatomy support classroom learning and active dissection in the laboratory. The new edition further delineates anatomic relationships of inner organs, and the innervation and lymphatic systems of these organs.
Key Highlights:
A total of 1,437 images, including new, exquisitely realistic illustrations by Markus Voll and Karl Wesker that reflect gender and ethnicity diversity
A new chapter delineates cross-sectional thorax anatomy, with stunning images by vertebra level
Organs of the Digestive System and their Neurovasculature features new diagnostic imaging for colorectal and small intestine tumors, as well as hepatic illustrations
Salient points for each organ are summarized in 22 high-yield fact sheets
This atlas provides a robust resource for gross anatomy course instructors and medical and allied health students looking for a deeper dive into organ system anatomy. It also provides an outstanding reference for physical therapists, yoga instructors, and related professionals.
The THIEME Atlas of Anatomy series also includes two additional volumes, General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System and Head, Neck, and Neuroanatomy .
ISBN: 9781626237209
Publication Date: 2024
Study Tools on AccessMedicine
Physiology Flashcards for USMLE Step 1 and Course ReviewDrill down by resource and/or topic to focus in on areas of weakness
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Responsive on any mobile device
Harrison's® Review Questionsncludes over 1200 board-style questions and answers that cover the breadth of internal medicine. Written by physicians at the Johns Hopkins Hospital and sourced from content in the world-renowned Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, they're a surefire way to boost your knowledge.
It is a new comprehensive series of clinical learning modules that cover individual diseases and disorders. Tailored specifically for students preparing for rotations and the Shelf and USMLE® exams, these modules offer templated structures encompassing Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment for a wide array of commonly tested diseases.

- Templated format includes Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment for diseases and disorders commonly tested on Shelf and USMLE exams.
- Useful for exam preparation with concise overviews, learning and exam tips, and high-yield facts.
- Links to key treatment guidelines and other information for each disease and disorder.
- Organized by organ-system/specialty with regularly updated information supplemented by illustrations, diagrams, radiographic images, and tables.
- A valuable clinical resource for medical students, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners.
First Aid for the Neurology Clerkship - Now Available!
First Aid for the Neurology Clerkship covers all of the key principles and clinically relevant information that students will encounter during their neurology clerkship. The content organization is built upon standard clerkship objectives and the neurology shelf exam blueprint. This high-yield resource focuses on clinical scenarios, with details explaining how to understand the disease process and differentiate it from other disorders. The pharmacology content emphasizes medications specifically targeting neurologic diagnoses, as well as recreational drugs.
Also within AccessNeurology, students will find Neurology: PreTest Self-Assessment and Review and Case Files: Neurology. Pairing First Aid for the Neurology Clerkship with these Q&A and Case Files resources provides a complete solution to support medical students during their neurology rotation.
First Aid for the Neurology Clerkship by Michael S. Rafii
Excel on your rotation, impress on the wards, and score your highest on the Neurology shelf exam! First Aid for the Neurology Clerkship covers all the key principles and clinically relevant information that neurology clerks are expected to learn. The content organization is mirrored directly after standard clerkship objectives and the Neurology shelf exam blueprint. This high-yield resource focuses on clinical scenarios, with details explaining how to understand the disease process and differentiate it from other disorders. The pharmacology content emphasizes medications specifically targeting neurologic diagnoses, as well as recreational drugs. First Aid for the Neurology Clerkship features: The latest clinical research and perspectives Images, diagrams, and charts Tips on how to succeed on rotations and on the shelf exam Mnemonics, ward tips, and integrated mini-cases Summary boxes highlighting high-yield information needed for exam success
ISBN: 9781264278848
Publication Date: 2023-08-04