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Using library databases from off campus is easy. Here’s how to do it:
1. Log into MyQ.
2. Hover your cursor over IT & Libraries, and then select Library - Edward & Barbara Netter.
3. Select the database you wish to search. Select 'Databases' from the top grey bar to see our full list.
4. You will see a login screen, shown here.
5. Enter your Quinnipiac username and password.
As long as you keep the browser open, you can open more windows and work with other databases and electronic resources without logging in again.
If you have trouble with access, please contact the Tech Center by submitting a technology help request.
You can also use CITRIX to access materials from off-campus.
1. Log onto MyQ using your Quinnipiac username and password.
2. Under the Applications menu, click CITRIX.
3. At this point, if you do not yet have the Citrix receiver installed, you will be prompted to do so. If you already do, proceed to step 4.
4. Once on Citrix, check to see that you are on the Desktops tab.
5. From the list of available desktops, select University Library. At this point, the Citrix receiver will open and begin to run the virtual desktop.
6. Once the University Library desktop opens, open an internet browser, navigate to MyQ and then the Netter Library website. (Hover your cursor over IT & Libraries, and then select Library - Edward & Barbara Netter.
7. Once on the website, you will have access to all of the Netter Library resources, as if you were on campus.
If you have trouble with access, please contact the Tech Center by submitting a technology help request.