Call: 203.582.5266
1.) Click the "Renew a Book" button above. You cannot renew items that are overdue.
2.) Enter your first and last name in the “Your Name” box.
3.) Using leading zeroes, enter your QU ID number. ( i.e. enter 00 then your QU ID number. Total QU ID# must be 9 digits long ).
4.) Click the SUBMIT button.
5.) Select the item(s) you wish to renew.
6.) Click the "Renew Marked" button.
7.) You are then asked "The following item(s) will be renewed, would you like to proceed?" Click the "Yes" button.
8.) If you are successful, you will see the item(s) listed show RENEWED and you will have a new due date listed under “STATUS”.
9.) If you have any questions or problems, please call the Netter Library for assistance -203.582.5266
10.) Logout when you are done.