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Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a service that provides current students, faculty, and staff of Quinnipiac University with access to materials not owned by any of the libraries at Quinnipiac.
Click here to login to your ILLiad account in order to place new requests, track the status of requests in process, view received articles, check due dates, or to request renewals.
Please note: The first time you access this form you will be prompted to fill out a brief registration form. This only has to be done once per academic year.
When requesting items to borrow please fill out as much information as possible on the request form. If you are requesting an ILL via a library database, this information might be pre-filled for you!
The Edward and Barbara Netter Library will process requests from non-law students and faculty based on the North Haven campus. The Arnold Bernhard Library will handle requests from non-law students, staff and faculty based on the Mount Carmel and York Hill campuses. Law students' and law faculty requests are handled through the Law Library. These requests should be for materials needed to complete coursework, support research or to enhance job performance. The Copyright law of the United States (Title 17, US Code) governs this service.
There is no cost to you for ILL but undergraduate students are limited to ten active requests at one time. As part of these ten requests, students are allowed to request the loan of books through ILL. Students are allowed to have no more than five book loans outstanding at one time.
Read more for a full listing of policies regarding this service.