Residents in our programs have access to all library resources.
To access the library resources, you will be authenticated either by logging into MyQ, or Netter Library Homepage using your QU username and password. Please check Off-campus Access for details.
Forgot your QU email password? Password recovery options are available on the Outlook email login page.
For other QU login credential issues, please contact Information Technology Services.
Hartford HealthCare Health Science Libraries Resources
Additional resources are available in Hartford HealthCare Health Sciences Libraries. Here are some examples:
Lexicomp: A drug referential platform for clinicians. Includes information about drugs, doses, mechanisms of action, interactions, and adverse effects.
AgeLine: focuses on the clinical and psychological issues of aging.
Harvard Business Review: premium content regarding business strategy, management, technology, and innovation.
Health Business Elite: health care administration topics and other non-clinical aspects of health care institution management.
Rehabilitation Reference Center: point of care resources in the fields of physical therapy, sports medicine, occupational and speech therapy.
STAT!Ref: Medical and drug information for health professionals.
Advanced Health Assessment & Differential Diagnosis
Please visit Hartford HealthCare Health Science Libraries to access these resources.
HHC Libraries’ website is accessible via the HHC Intranet, HHC Connect. From the Clinical Resources tab, select Health Science Libraries.
Trouble accessing? Please contact HHC Health Science Librarian
It is a new comprehensive series of clinical learning modules that cover individual diseases and disorders. Tailored specifically for students preparing for rotations and the Shelf and USMLE® exams, these modules offer templated structures encompassing Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment for a wide array of commonly tested diseases.
This essential resource is intended to help anesthesiology residents excel on their BASIC exam taken in the middle of their residency training. Anesthesiology Core Review allows residents to focus their study on nearly 200 must-know topics found on the board exam.