There are a few different ways to search and many resources to choose from. We suggest your start on this page for tips and tutorials.
After you identify your research question, you can make a list of synonyms of the PICO components. This will be helpful for searching the literature.
Determine key concepts. Establish terminology so you can develop lists of key words and synonyms to use in your search. The more precise your topic is, the easier it will be to complete a literature review.
Look for keywords when reading background information or encyclopedia articles on your topic. Use a thesaurus, your textbook and subject headings in databases to find different keywords. Keep track of these words so you can use them when searching.
Determine your scope. Decide which filters/limits (e.g. demographics, language, date range, study type, geographic region) you would like to use to reduce the number of articles you need to review.
Watch the video: How to Locate Library Resources for Physical Therapy (2:10) This brief tutorial from the Netter Library explains how to locate library resources and databases from the library website.
Consult the library's research guide for physical therapy to find librarian recommended databases, reference resources, and web sites in your field.
Search one of the librarian recommended sources with your selected terminology and filters. For physical therapy, it is recommended to start with PubMed and CINHAL.
Watch the following videos from the library:
PubMed Basics (11:00) This video discusses techniques for basic searching, filters, and managing results.
CINAHL Basics (5:28) This video gives an overview of basic searching and other techniques such as filters.
You can repeat the search in other databases. Remember to evaluate as you search. Simply gathering isn't the goal, you want to find sources you can use.
Watch the following videos from the library for general database searching tips:
This brief tutorial will explain the importance of Boolean Operators, AND, OR, NOT, and how to use them.
b. Creating a Better Search - 5:39
In this video tutorial, you will learn tips and tricks for searching such as phrase searching, truncation, synonyms, and filters.
Use the following links from the library for more information.