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Resource Evaluation

Which Resource Should I Use?

Sometimes it can be confusing to decide which type of resource should be used for an assignment.
Use this chart as a guide to help you decide which type would work best for you. 
The Difference Between Books, Articles and Websites
Book Journal Article Website
Length Long: Can be 100+ pages. Shorter: Can range from 1-30+ pages. Varies by website, but website pages are generally brief.
Coverage Broad scope, high detail and big picture information. Narrow scope, high detail and academic interest topics. Current events, trends, government publications, interviews or conference reports.
Publication Frequency Published once, but newer editions can come out later. Composed of volumes and issues published on a regular basis (weekly or monthly). If the website is maintained, the information can have up-to-the minute information.
Advantages Books in the medical field are generally great places to look for background information, comprehensive accounts of research and deep analysis of a topic. Articles are good for finding information written by scholars and subject experts. Articles found in scholarly journals might have gone through a peer-review process which adds to the quality of the information. Some articles can provide background information while others focus on particular studies. Websites can provide the most current news and information from current events, trends and popular topics. They are good for finding time sensitive information.
Disadvantages The publishing process for books can take years and therefore, the information included is not the best place to look for current topics. The peer-review process can take a long time so the articles will not contain up-to-the-minute information, but can be more current than a book. Authorship sometimes can be difficult to determine. Anyone can publish on the web and website information can be innaccurate and biased. Sometimes the information can be outdated. There is also a limited amount of scholarly information on the web.
Where to Find In the library catalog online or book stacks. In a library database. On the World Wide Web.