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Distance Learning Library Resources: CINAHL: Qualitative and Quantitative Research

ABL Resources for faculty, staff and students involved in the QU Online Program.

How to Search CINAHL: Qualitative and Quanititative (Taken from Connelly Library, LaSalle University)  ×


To find Qualitative or Quantitative research in Cinahl, you can use the controlled vocabulary.  Type the term you want in the first box, with quotation marks around the phrase.  Then change the index field to MW Word in Subject Headings.  Then type your topic in the second box

For Quantitative studies do the same thing

CINAHL (Qualitative)

To locate a qualitative study first conduct a search in CINAHL.   Scroll down and under Clinical Queries select qualitative.


Select within the drop-down Clinical Queries menu: Qualitative-High Sensitivity; Qualitative-High Specificity; Qualitative-Best Balance. High Sensitivity is the broadest search, to include ALL relevant material, but may also include less relevant materials. High Specificity is the most targeted search to include only the most relevant result set, but may miss some relevant materials. Best Balance retrieves the best balance between Sensitivity and Specificity.