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Accessing UpToDate: UpToDate

UpToDate - ON Campus

UpToDate - OFF Campus


Off-campus access to UpToDate.

All QU-affiliated users must create an UpToDate account on their website in order to access the resource from off-campus, and connect on-campus at least once every 90 days.

To do so, you must either be on campus or, if off campus, access UpToDate through CitrixOnce on UpToDate, click the Register link in the top right corner of the page. Please use your QU email to register.


Once registered, you may access UpToDate while off campus using your computer or mobile device: 

  • Mobile app - iOS, Android, or Windows8 tablet. Click here for more information!
  • Laptop - Simply login with your newly acquired UpToDate username and password while on the UpToDate website 


IMPORTANT: In order to maintain remote access to UpToDate, they will need to know that you are still affiliated with QU. Simply log in to while on the QU campus once every 90 days. You will receive an email reminder at 85 days; at 90 days they will cut off your access to the site.

To restore access, either sign into your account while on the QU campus or, if off campus, by accessing the database through Citrix.


As a reminder, Netter Library subscribes to many other point of care tools similar to UpToDate. You can explore our other options HERE.