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Resource Evaluation

Resource Evaluation

Why is Resource Evaluation Important?

Resource evaluation is a key part of the research process. Not all resources are necessarily valid, good quality or accurate. Therefore, it is important to know how to evaluate and select good resources for your research.

With the vast amount of resources available, it can be overwhelming to navigate and select resources. This guide will help you when you are selecting resources and lead you in the right direction. 

Things to Keep in Mind When Evaluating Resources:

Initially you should look for the author, title, publisher and date of publication. These pieces of information can be found in the bibliographic citation and help you decide if you should pursue reading the resource.

Also, librarians can assist with the evaluation of resources, but it is ultimately up to the student to decide whether or not something is a good resource. In general, if there are doubts as to whether or not a resource is good enough, an attempt to find another resource should be made.