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What is Plagiarism?

According to the Academic Integrity Policy at Quinnipiac University, "plagiarism refers to representing another person’s words or ideas as one’s own in any academic exercise."

Types of Plagiarism

The Quinnipiac University Academic Integrity Policy states four common types of plagiarism. They are:

  • Copying information word for word from a source, without using quotation marks and giving proper acknowledgment/citation.   


  • Paraphrasing (i.e., putting into one’s own words) a source’s text, without providing proper acknowledgment/citation. This violation occurs when the ideas or arguments of another are paraphrased in such a way as to lead the reader to believe that these ideas originated with the writer.


  • Presenting as one’s own any work (or portion thereof) that which has been prepared in whole or in part by someone other than oneself. This includes using unauthorized assistance in preparing one’s work, and acquiring written work from an outside source. Outside sources include other persons, commercial organizations, electronic sources, and other sources.


  • Reproducing (without proper citation) any other form of work of another person, such as a graphic element, a musical phrase, a proof, experimental data, experimental results, data, or laboratory reports, in full or in part. This includes turning in work of another student as one’s own work.

It is the responsibility of all students to understand the methods of proper attribution and to apply those principles in all written, oral and electronic submissions. 

Academic Integrity Policy. (2019). Retrieved from

Academic Integrity Policy

By agreeing to abide by the rules and regulations of Quinnipiac University, you have agreed to uphold the Academic Integrity Policy at the institution. Therefore it is vital that you understand what you need to do to maintain academic integrity in your work and to preserve the value of the Quinnipiac University degree. 

Plagiarism is a serious academic offense. Pleading ignorance of plagiarism will not excuse you from violations. As a student, you are expected to know and understand QU policies.

We highly encourage you to review the Academic Integrity Policy.