To find a specific journal, go to the Library homepage and click on the link "Journal Finder." Enter a journal title in the search box.
This will determine first, if the journal is part of the collection and second, in what format (electronic, paper, microfiche, or microfilm) the particular year of interest is held.
Click here for the Journals search.
Search Tip: If you're looking for articles on a certain topic and you want to search across multiple journals, search in one of the article databases listed on the Databases page.
If you need a book or journal article that is not held by Quinnipiac University, you may request it through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
The service is free.
ILL requests should be submitted online from the Interlibrary Loan page.
If you are on the Library homepage, the link to Interlibrary Loan is below Library OneSearch in the blue highlight.
Articles in PDF format will be sent and made available directly in your interlibrary loan account. You will be notified by email.