EN 102

A collection of library resources for students taking EN 102.

About This Guide

This EN 102 Guide will help you navigate and find credible Library resources. Use the side menu to navigate to relevant sources and search tips!

Research Starting Points

To get you started on your research, here is a list of top library resources for First-Year Writing students:

About Credo

About Credo

Credo Reference is a library database that allows you to search full-text, credible reference sources - like dictionaries, encyclopedias and handbooks.

Think of Credo as the library's version of Wikipedia.

While you should never cite from Credo directly, you can use Credo to:

  • Get background information on your topic
  • Get ideas for keywords to use in your search for sources
  • Look through entry bibliographies for secondary sources (articles, books) on your topic

Use Credo for Identifying Topic Keywords

After searching for your topic in Credo, use the Mind Map feature in the search results (pictured below) to see additional keywords and related concepts that you could use in your searching for sources.

Use Credo's Mind Map to search for keywords on your topic.

View Bibliographies for Secondary Sources

Most Credo entries will have a Bibliography or Further Reading section that will provide a list of sources at the end of an entry.

If you see a source in the Bibliography that interests you, try searching for the full-text of that source using library tools. You could potentially read and cite one of these secondary sources (i.e. books, articles) in your college work!

Example showing Bibliography of secondary sources at the end of a Credo encyclopedia entry.

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