The Arnold Bernhard Library welcomes gifts of books and archival materials that fall within the scope of its collecting activities, that will enhance the strengths of its collections, and that support Quinnipiac University students and faculty in the curriculum. Gifts of materials are accepted with the understanding that, once received, they are owned by Quinnipiac University. The Arnold Bernhard Library reserves the right to determine their retention, location, cataloging treatment and other considerations related to their use or disposition.
Please read and follow the guidelines below.
We will consider materials (print and non-print) for addition to the Quinnipiac collection. Preference will be given to material from the Quinnipiac community. Any items from the history of the university are highly desired. If we feel that we are not the best recipient for your gift, we will gladly offer suggestions for alternative placement.
Gifting procedure and information for prospective donors:
Please Note: