Open Access literature is offered freely to the world. Publishing open access is a great way to make your research publication more easily available to a wider audience. The drawback is that you may be charged a fee to publish open access. Quinnipiac Libraries have begun to seek out and negotiate for such journal licensing deals which will let Quinnipiac authors publish open access free of any fees. The Libraries have deals with the following publishers:
The Arnold Bernhard Library at Quinnipiac University offers two large journal packages, ACM and Springer Nature, which allow QU authors to publish OA with no article processing charges.
Quinnipiac-affiliated corresponding authors can publish open access free of charge across ACM’s complete catalog of journals, conference proceedings and magazines. The default Creative Commons license option is CC-BY, although the participating author has the choice to choose any of the Creative Commons license options. See instructions for authors.
It is not necessary to coordinate with the library.
Quinnipiac-affiliated corresponding authors can publish in any Gold or Hybrid open access journal free of charge. Please notify the library when you request permission to waive fees with Cambridge, as the library will need to approve the request. More information can be found at the Cambridge publishing site.
QU authors may publish in any hybrid OA journal with no article processing charges. Hybrid journals are those with both open and traditional subscriber-only articles. Springer offers over 2200 hybrid OA journals which are covered by this agreement.
It is not necessary to coordinate with the library.