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Quinnipiac Libraries Collections: Use, Costs, Policies

Publishing Open Access at Quinnipiac University


Open Access literature is offered freely to the world. Publishing open access is a great way to make your research publication more easily available to a wider audience. The drawback is that you may be charged a fee to publish open access. Quinnipiac Libraries have begun to seek out and negotiate for such journal licensing deals which will let Quinnipiac authors publish open access free of any fees. The Libraries have deals with the following publishers:

The Arnold Bernhard Library at Quinnipiac University offers three journal packages, ACM, Cambridge and Springer Nature, which allow QU authors to publish OA with no article processing charges.

Please note that the library cannot cover individual APCs for other publishers not covered by these three agreements. 


ACM Open

Quinnipiac-affiliated corresponding authors can publish open access free of charge across ACM’s complete catalog of journals, conference proceedings and magazines. The following types of articles are covered by the agreement with Quinnipiac:

  • Research Article
  • Short Paper
  • Review Article
  • Survey Article
  • Technical Note
  • Tutorial
  • Interview
  • Note

Note that abstracts, editorials, invited talks, and opinions are not covered. 

Use your valid Quinnipiac email when submitting the article. Other authors on the paper do not need to be at an institution with an agreement covering charges. 

The default option will be to publish Open Access. If you do not want the article to be open access, you will need to Opt Out. 

The default Creative Commons license option is CC-BY, although the participating author may choose any of the Creative Commons license options.  See instructions for authors

It is not necessary to coordinate with the library, but please contact us if you run into any problems. 


Cambridge Journals

Quinnipiac-affiliated corresponding authors can publish in any Gold or Hybrid  (that is fully open and journals with both open and paywalled articles) open access journal free of charge. Please notify the library when you request permission to waive fees with Cambridge, as the library will need to approve the request. More information can be found at the Cambridge publishing site. 


  • The corresponding author (the person communicating with Cambridge about the submission) must have a valid email address.
  • The submission must be original research, to include research articles, review articles, rapid communications, brief reports and case reports. 
  • The submission must be accepted after January 1, 2025.
  • After acceptance, choose Open Access and select the desired Creative Commons license.
  • You will receive instructions from RightsLink. You should see that there is no fee for publishing open access, but you still need to complete the request process.
  • If there is any problem with this process, please contact the library.


Springer Nature Journals--Hybrid OA Only

QU authors may publish in any Springer Nature hybrid OA journal with no article processing charges. Hybrid journals are those with both open and traditional subscriber-only articles. Fully open Springer Nature journals are not covered by this agreement, and fees are not waived for fully open journals. Springer offers over 2200  hybrid OA journals which are covered by this agreement. 

It is not necessary to coordinate with the library. The corresponding author (the person acting as the main contact for Springer Nature correspondence after the article is accepted) should use their valid email address when communicating with Springer. To publish open access:

  1. Select Quinnipiac University from the dropdown menu in the specified section that requests your institution on the publishing agreement forms.
  2. Once you have chosen Quinnipiac University, you must click the "Next" button followed by the "Submit for Approval" button. The article will subsequently enter the verification process, after which the Approval Manager will decide whether to approve or reject the article for potential APC coverage.

This agreement was negotiated through the Lyrasis Consortium of libraries, and covers 120 participating institutions. Information about the agreement can be found here

If you have any problems with the submission process or have a question please contact the library.