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New OneSearch Frequently Asked Questions

How to Find Books Using the OneSearch

How can I search for books and eBooks?
  1. There is no longer a dedicated library catalog for searching books and eBooks.
  2. To find books and eBooks using the new Library OneSearch:
  3. Perform a keyword search in the Library OneSearch search bar on the Arnold Bernhard Library homepage.
  4. From the results list, click on Source Type below the search bar at the top of the page.
  5. From the Source Type dropdown menu, check off the box for eBooks (to see only electronic books) or Books (to see both eBooks and physical print books located in the library).
  6. Click the Apply button to apply these filters to your results list.


To locate print books only: 

  1. Perform a keyword search and from the results list, select the All Filters button underneath the search bar at the top of the page.
  2. Check off the box for Catalog Only.
  3. Under Source Type, check off the box for Books.
  4. Under Location, check off the box for Arnold Bernhard Library.
  5. Click Apply to filter down your results.