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Psychology: Primary vs. Secondary

A specific collection of library resources for Psychology majors.

Primary v Secondary Sources

Primary Sources

Some definitions:

  • Original materials on which other research is based.

  • Usually the first formal appearance of results in the print or electronic literature.

  • Present information in its original form, neither interpreted nor condensed nor evaluated by other writers.

  • Are from the time period (for example, something written close to when what it is recording happened is likely to be a primary source.)

  • Present original thinking, report on discoveries, or share new information.

Some examples:

  • Scientific journal articles reporting experimental research results

  • Proceedings of Meetings, Conferences and Symposia.

  • Technical reports

  • Dissertations or theses (may also be secondary)

  • Internet communications on email, listservs, and newsgroups

Secondary Sources

In science, secondary sources are those which simplify the process of finding and evaluating the primary literature. They tend to be works which repackage, reorganize, reinterpret, summarise, index or otherwise "add value" to the new information reported in the primary literature.

Some Definitions:

  • Describe, interpret, analyze and evaluate the primary sources.

  • Comment on and discuss the evidence provided by primary sources.

  • Are works which are one or more steps removed from the event or information they refer to, being written after the fact with the benefit of hindsight.

Some examples:

  • Dictionaries and encyclopedias

  • Handbooks and data compilations

  • Journal articles, particularly in disciplines other than science (may also be primary)

  • Monographs (other than fiction and autobiography)

  • Newspaper and popular magazine articles (may also be primary)

  • Review articles and literature reviews

  • Textbooks

Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Sources
Written by Ward Saylor & Helen Hooper for Information and Research Support, within the Information Services program of the Academic Support Division at James Cook University, July, 2000.

Primary v Secondary Research

Examples of Primary Sources

A primary source contains first-hand reporting of an historical event.  The individual witnessed the event and records it at that time or somewhat later.  When searching the online catalog try one of these keywords: autobiographiescorrespondence, diaries, letters, memoirs, or personal narratives.  Remember to add the research topic to the search, for example "suffrage." 

Primary sources may include: 

  • Journal articles published in peer-reviewed publications presenting original research findings
  • Personal Narratives
  • Diaries
  • Personal Journals
  • Memoirs
  • Correspondence
  • Letters
  • Autobiographies
  • Oral Histories
  • Speeches
  • Interviews
  • Manuscripts
  • Newspapers - reporting at the time of the event
  • Photographs
  • Posters
  • Pamphlets
  • Art Works
  • Videos 
  • Papers
  • Works

Examples of Secondary Sources

A secondary source is removed in time from the historical event and is not a first-hand report of it.  It might be a commentary on the event, an analysis, research, or a review of it. 

Secondary sources may include:

  • Biographies
  • Academic Books
  • Journal Articles
  • Encyclopedias
  • Essays
  • Textbooks 

Overview of Primary Sources at Yale University

The description of Primary Sources at Yale may help to provide insight into the different possible types available for research.  Please check Quinnipiac Library resources and the Web.

Primary Sources Word Cloud