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Library Instruction: Librarian Liaisons

Liaison Program Learning Goals

Quinnipiac University students who are developing their information literacy abilities in the contexts of their majors and academic disciplines…

  • Grasp disciplinary information literacy concepts and apply them to their research and source evaluation processes
  • Become familiar with library tools and leading, authoritative publications in UC disciplines, their majors and related academic disciplines 
  • Understand how authority is constructed to elevate certain voices within their disciplines and identify authoritative voices in their fields of study or areas of interest

Matthew Flaherty 

Coordinator of Library Curriculum and Instruction



School of Education

Departments and Majors

Collaborative for Interdisciplinary/Integrative Studies

Interactive Media and Design


Justice and Law

Media Studies


Sociology and Anthropology 

Media Studies

Visual and Performing Arts


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Katie Kukiolczynski

Research and Instruction Librarian




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Sandy O'Hare

Head of Access Services



Departments and Majors


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Kevin Redline

Scholarly Communications Librarian



School of Engineering and Computing

Departments and Majors

Biological Sciences

Chemistry and Physical Sciences

Environmental Science

Environmental Studies

Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science


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Rebecca Toolsidass 

Research and Instruction Librarian



School of Business



Public Relations and Advertising 


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Robert Young

Public Services Librarian



History and Geography

Films, Television, and Media Arts

Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Philosophy and Political Science


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Librarian and Faculty Collaboration Statement

The purpose of the Arnold Bernhard Library’s liaison program at Quinnipiac University is to foster dialogue and collaboration between faculty and librarians regarding library services, resources, and other library related issues. The program’s goal is to ensure that the library supports and actively advances the University’s academic mission and curriculum by providing excellence in instruction, research assistance, collection access, and public services.

The ABL will work towards this goal by appointing a librarian to partner with each academic department on campus. Liaisons and their academic departments will explore and develop traditional and innovative strategies that integrate library services and sources into teaching, learning, and research. In reaching this end, liaisons will:

  • Work with faculty to build a long-term, strategic relationship that advances the University’s mission and curriculum and prepares students for life-long learning
  • Serve as the point of contact for their assigned department and act as the intermediary between faculty and library staff with pertinent duties
  • Partner with faculty to engage in teaching and learning and to prepare students to become information literate individuals by offering course-specific instructional sessions, discipline or course-based pathfinders and research guides, and other instructional materials as necessary
  • Communicate with faculty regarding specific course assignments that require library reference services, resources, and research
  • Identify gaps in the collection, examine recent and cutting edge scholarship, and consider other resources for inclusion in the collection that will augment teaching, learning, and expand the potential for research