APA 7th Edition - Citing Sources (Arnold Bernhard Library)

A guide to help users create citations using APA (American Psychological Association) style, 7th edition

Annotated Bibliographies in APA

Guidance for annotated bibliographies in APA can be found on page 307 in the 7th edition of the APA manual.

While these guidelines come from the APA, you should always defer to your instructors' preferences when it comes to the length, number of references, and focus of the annotation. 


  • Format and order your references in alphabetical order the same as your reference list. 
  • Format the page margins, font, size, etc. the same as for a standard APA-style paper.
  • Each annotation should be a new paragraph below the reference it is discussing. Indent the entire annotation in line with the indented portion of your reference (.5 inches). Do not further indent the first line of the paragraph. 
    • If the annotation is longer than one paragraph, indent the first lines of subsequent paragraph by an additional .5 inches.
  • Generally, you do not have to cite the reference you are annotating inside the annotation because it is very clear which article is being discussed. If you cite additional materials, you will need to provide an in-text citation. 

An example of an annotated bibliography is available on page 308 of the 7th edition of the APA manual.