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AV 2.0: Submission Guidelines

Submissions for Volume 13 - Spring 2025 are closed. Thank you for your interest. 

Submissions are open for Volume 14 - Spring 2026

Submissions must be previously unpublished prose and poetry, photography, visual art, and/or multimedia. Unpublished work is defined as never having been published in any form, including electronic or print media. We also do not publish work that has been submitted and is currently under review for any other publication.

ARBOR VITAE will retain First North American Serial Rights to each published work during the period of active publication, with rights reverting to the author or artist following that time.


What we publish

  • Prose: Fiction and nonfiction prose submissions may not exceed 3,000 words.
  • Poetry: No more than three poems may be submitted to any one issue. Each poem submission may not exceed 3,000 words.
  • Photographs: Digital photographs must be of high quality and must be in .jpg, .gif, or .png file formats only. No more than three individual photographs may be submitted to any one issue.
  • Visual Arts: Digital copies of original visual arts must be in .jpg, .gif, or .png file formats only. No more than three individual images may be submitted to any one issue.
  • Multimedia: This is a new area for us, so if you would like to submit something as audio or video, please CONTACT US. Audio recordings should be MP3 files and videos should be MP4 files. 
  • Other: If the above limits are not flexible enough for what you wish to submit, please CONTACT US. We also welcome submissions that blur the lines between categories such as a poem with accompanying visual art.


AI Statement

Arbor Vitae is a space for people to share creative deliberations on health, illness, and humanity. As such, we are conflicted about content generated with the use of AI. That said, we understand AI may be a useful tool in creativity and are willing to consider submissions that have been augmented by AI. Please CONTACT US if this is something you would like to submit. 


Who may submit

Submissions are accepted from Quinnipiac University Center for Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences students, faculty, staff, clinical affiliates, and care recipients only. This includes Hartford Healthcare staff that are involved in the partnership with the university. Each submission will be reviewed and considered for publication by the editorial board. You will receive notice by e-mail of acceptance or rejection of your submission. 


Patient Privacy

Respecting a patient's privacy and confidentiality is a core value for anyone in health care. Providers and caregivers, and students learning to do the same, are trusted with intimate details of patients' lives, and care must be taken when creating artistic work about them. It is the responsibility of the author/artist to ensure that no patient/care recipient identifying information is included in any submission without expressed written consent of the patient/care recipient. 

Button that links to submission form

Scan of a watercolor painting of a brown-haired person wearing a mask adorned with flowers.

Beauty Unmasked – Watercolor Painting by Sabiha Tamima, Medical Student