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PBS Video Collection - Alexander Street Press

Please read the guidelines below before accessing the PBS Video Collection. 

Click here to sign-in to the PBS Video Collection

The PBS Video Collection is provided by Alexander Street Press and is comprised of more than 1600 streaming videos, with new videos being added monthly. It allows the QU community access to an exceptional range of many of the best documentaries and series from PBS. Limited public performance rights include classroom screenings and sharing videos through Blackboard, as well as extracurricular screenings by campus groups or clubs as long as no admission is charged.  


THE PBS Video Collection does not provide access to all of the streaming videos that are available from Alexander Street Press. When using the search bar provided by Alexander Street Press, please conduct your search within the “Current Channel” to find videos from the PBS collection that are available to view.



If you decide to search for films using the “All Videos” or “All Channels” options your search results will not only bring up titles from the PBS Video Collection, but also titles that QU does not have access to. In some cases, titles that are not available can be previewed for 24 hours or longer by creating a personal user account through the Alexander Street Press website. Since preview videos are accessed through personal accounts they cannot be shared with an entire class or group. 

If instructors have questions about accessing Alexander Street Press films (for use in their courses) that are not available in the PBS Video Collection, they should contact:  Public Services Librarian Robert Young: